Membership Agreement

By clicking the “CREATE AN ACCOUNT” button, you re-affirm the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy contained within this website.  This is an all-in-one Membership which includes access to financial coaches, educational materials, etc. for purposes of improving and maintaining good credit. is not a credit repair or debt management company and does not offer its services in connection with any extension of credit.  WE DO NOT CLAIM THAT WE ARE ABLE TO “IMPROVE” YOUR CREDIT RECORD, CREDIT HISTORY OR CREDIT RATING.


Instead, offers internet and telephone delivered services designed to (i) empower you to self-manage your credit profile, and (ii) educate you on how credit works and how that may affect your purchasing power, loan qualification capabilities, the interest rates you pay and other aspects of your personal financial situation.  Each Member will have a password protected online account and access to features such as credit reports, credit scores, credit monitoring alert reports, planning tools and extensive credit educational information.


  1. During your communications with our financial coaches, he/she may offer to:
  2. Review your credit report.
  3. Answer credit related questions about your credit report and score.
  4. Discuss your credit related goals and offer suggestions.
  5. Explain how credit scores work.
  6. Provide you with an evaluation of your credit score and help you understand the factors that contribute to your score.
  7. Review open loans, credit cards and other important information on your credit report.
  8. Provide you with best practices and actions to assist you in getting better results while managing your credit.


  1. Support – Members may call and speak to a financial coach for credit related questions at any time during regular business hours. If a financial coach is not available, you will receive a call-back as soon as possible the same or next business day.  Creditanddebt reserves the right to limit the time use of this feature to a reasonable amount.


  1. Credit Information Library – Members will have website access to the credit library where they can get information about topics such as understanding credit, building credit, managing credit, credit scores and identity theft.

Credit News and Articles –Members will receive periodic articles or related informational content on credit related topics and new